Saturday, May 31, 2008

Class of '98 Today...

Celeste (Miller) Davis

Hello Fellow Vikings! I cannot believe it's been 10 years, I simultaneously feel old and not old somehow. Man, how do I sum up the weird wandering road I've been on since graduation? Sorry if this doesn't make sense, but here goes:
didn't go directly to college, instead tried to model, crappy marriage, divorce, went to a lot of concerts, dated a lot of losers, learned a lot, meet & married amazing wonderful husband (Matt Davis), graduated from the U of U in Human Development & Family Studies, took a few fun vacations, rescued awesome Great Dane mix dog, had beautiful baby girl (Sawyer Susie Davis) in November 2005, built house in Layton which is where we currently live. Matt works at Advanced Title in Bountiful, I do wedding & special occasion cakes occasionally, and Sawyer colors and dances and jumps on the trampoline. I feel so blessed to just be where I am and loving every minute of life. I am excited to see everyone again. Thanks to everyone who has put sooooo much work into organizing this reunion, it sounds like quite a time-suck, so THANKS!!!
Celeste Davis (Miller)

('98 classmates, send in a couple of paragraphs and a couple pictures about your life since VHS. Send to and we will post them as they come in.)


Kirsten said...
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BCC said...

JULIET!!!! Glad to see you're doing well.


Celeste said...

Brian? Is that you? I can't get to your blog you dork! When are you gonna post one of these embarrassing things?

BCC said...

Of course it is... unless you've been cheating on me!!! Sorry about my blog; locked down because a past one got me in trouble (and it is full of scandalous stuff. hahaha). Hope you're doing well.


Kierstin said...

I just can't wait to see your ace 8 months pregnant someday so I can brag about my beautiful model friend, Celeste.