Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Reunion Details

Just a reminder....

Deadline for purchasing tickets for the reunion is JULY 'em before all the festivities!!!

ONLY 8 DAYS LEFT TO PAY & the only way to pay is with a major credit card through our own secure Paypal account here on the blog (no Paypal account needed to purchase tickets)!!!

Friday Night Main Dinner Event
Time: 6-10pm
Place: VHS Common Area (where the courtyard used to is indoors and huge and pretty cool)
Cost: $22 per person
Dress: Casual
Other: no kids please (unless you have a newborn that needs to come)
Price Includes: Dinner, prizes of all sorts, treats, gourmet cake/cupcakes, fun decor, Class of '98 candy favorites like **candy necklaces** and let's not forget...great time reconnecting with friends.

***GOLF TOURNAMENT PRICE RECENTLY LOWERED (option to purchase ticket without a cart)***
Saturday Morning Golf Tournament
Who can participate: Alumni & family members
Tee Times: 6-8am
Cost: $25 with a cart $20 without a cart
Includes: light breakfast, green fee, prizes for category winners

Closing Picnic Social
Time: 11am-1:30pm
Place: North Canyon Park located at 3900 South Bountiful Blvd., Bountiful
Cost: $5 per person or $10 for your whole family
Includes: Popsicles & drinks, play in the bouncy house and bouncy obstacle course,
coloring activities on the covered picnic tables, fun with balls and Frisbees and more
Other: The whole family is invited to participate

Come to all the events if you can. Each one will provide a different opportunity to interact with old friends and to have some fun. We can't wait to see everyone there.

p.s. Let us know through e-mail if you are interested in helping set up or take down stuff (come on all you big guys out there), or if you have prizes to add to our raffle.


your Planning Committee

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